(by (5.7.1) and (2.3.7)) that ||u|| = supdlaj,..., ||MJ), which allows the

identification of $e(E; F) with the product H «£?(£; Ff), From the defini-
tion, it follows at once that u is the derivative of/at XQ if and only if wf
is the derivative of / at XQ for 1 < / ^ m.

Remark. Let E, F be complex Banach spaces, and E0, F0 the underlying
real Banach spaces. Then if a mapping / of an open subset A of E into F
is differentiable at a point x0, it is also differentiable with the same deriv-
ative, when considered as a mapping of A into F0 (a linear mapping of E
into F being also linear as a mapping of E0 into F0). But the converse is
not true, as the example of the mapping z -» z (complex conjugate) of C
into itself shows at once; as a mapping of R2 into itself, u: z -» z (which can
be written (x, y) -> (x, —y)) is differentiable and has at each point a deriv-
ative equal to u, by (8.1.3); but u is not a complex linear mapping, hence
the result. We return to that question in Chapter IX (9.10.1).

When the mapping / of A into F is differentiable at every point of A,
we say that/is differentiable in A; the mapping x -*f'(x) = D/C*0 °f A
into «S?(E; F) will be written/' or D/and called the derivative off in A.

(8.2.1) Let E, F, G be three Banach spaces, A an open neighborhood of XQ e E,
fa continuous mapping of A into F, yQ =/(x0), B an open neighborhood of
j0 in F, g a continuous mapping of B into G. Then iff is differentiable at
x0 and g differentiable at
j>0, the mapping /z = #0/ (which is defined and
continuous in a neighborhood of jc0) is differentiable at x0 , and we have

By assumption, given e such that 0<e< 1, there is an r > 0 such that,
for ||,s || < r and ||f || < r, we can write

sty* + 0 = #0
with Hoj.0)!! < eNI and ||o2(OII <e||*||. On the other hand, by (8.1.1) and
(5.5.1), there are constants a, b such that, for any s and t,

" s and